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4 tips for staying safe while snowboarding

13 octobre 2015

Many Canadians love snowboarding, but it's important to stay safe on the slopes with the right equipment and technique. Follow these four tips for a safe snowboarding trip.

4 tips for staying safe while snowboarding

1. Safety equipment

  • Snowboarding involves travelling at high speeds down steep hills with challenging obstacles, so it's essential you have the proper equipment: helmet, goggles to protect your eyes from debris and the sun's rays, and proper bindings to ensure your boots are securely attached to your snowboard.
  • You should also be sure to purchase snowboard boots that lock directly into your snowboard, as wearing hiking boots is dangerous. Many snowboarders also wear wrist guards to provide support for arms, wrists, and hands in the event of a fall.

2. Proper preparation

  • Make sure you are in good physical condition before you hit the slopes. Strong, flexible muscles can better withstand the physical demands of snowboarding.
  • If you've never snowboarded before, take a few lessons before you get started. Fortunately, most ski resorts offer lessons where they teach you turning manoeuvres, emergency braking, how to avoid obstacles like trees, and what kind of behaviour is expected from you on the slopes.

3. Dress for the weather

  • Snowboarding is a cold weather sport, but despite all the snow and ice involved, weather conditions can rapidly change from hour to hour. One moment you'll have intense sun shining down on you and the next you'll be facing a snowstorm with low visibility.
  • To avoid issues regarding frostbite, sunburn, and other dangerous conditions, be sure to wear thermal underwear and socks, snowboard pants, thick gloves or mittens, and a warm but breathable hat that can prevent significant heat loss. You'll also want a quality jacket that includes a suitable material such as down to keep yourself well insulated. In addition, sun block, lip balm, and hand warmers are also a good idea if you're spending a whole day snowboarding.

4. Be smart

  • No matter where you choose to snowboard, it's important to follow the course rules, stay on designated slopes and respect other snowboarders. This can help you avoid collisions and ensure you don't wander off into areas with dangerous hazards. You should also always snowboard with a friend so you have someone watching your back. Also consider using walkie-talkies in case you get lost or separated.
  • One of the most important considerations is to not push yourself past your limit. If a particular slope or obstacle looks too challenging, put in some extra training before you attempt something you're not comfortable with. It's the safer choice, and you'll have something to works towards in the future.
  • Ultimately, Canada is full of some of the best snowboarding in the world. Stay safe while you have fun, and you'll get the most from your snowboarding experience every time.
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