1009 9 Ave SE, Calgary AB T2G 0S6
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Calgary’s fashion scene has long stood in the shadow of larger Canadian and international cities. However, globetrotting clothing designer Megan Szanik has decided to open her hip boutique Espy here rather than in Montreal, Toronto, New York or Amsterdam. “Calgary is a great place to have a business,” she says. “It has a young population, it’s exciting and it’s moving. You can be part of the change. I love having a business here.” The store has even been mentioned in the New York Times. With sales reaching $2.5 million annually, Espy has proven Calgary is hungry for boutiques offering personal fashion styling, and Megan is ready to serve.

The self-proclaimed loudest person on Inglewood’s Ninth Avenue, Megan quickly made a name for herself in Calgary with headline grabbing charity events and her unwavering determination to make fashion accessible to all. Her shop features racks of designer dresses, casual and dressy shirts, sweaters and more, as well as a staggering 150-plus denim jean cuts by well-known labels.

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