Gojo Café est un établissement accueillant. Venez profiter du soleil sur sa terrasse. Gojo Café est ouvert tard tous les jours de la semaine. Vous pouvez vous y rendre par transport en commun et vélo. Le quartier adjacent est renommé pour ses nombreux restaurants et marchands.
Skip your morning joe at one of the big name coffee houses and head to Gojo Café where owner Atkilt Asefa Meshesha will serve you coffee in the traditional Ethiopian way. The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a hallmark of that country’s culture, and it’s a tie to home Atkilt wanted to maintain at Gojo Café when he took it over in 2012.
“We offer the full service, which can seat up to eight or nine people,” he explains. “The full ceremony has popcorn and incense…and the coffee is roasted fresh. It’s organic from back home in Ethiopia - we have green beans. We roast it in front of our customers…but they can smell it before we grind it.”