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  • Pub,
1565 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC V5L 3Y1
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As owner of Vancouver’s beloved The Dime Roadhouse, Bryce McMurray knows how much more productive a workplace can be if there’s a warm, family like atmosphere. For Bryce, what he loves about The Dime are the staff and customers. “When I’m going away on holidays,” he says, “I’m going with one of them. It’s a pretty tight-knit group.”

Bryce gives his employees the chance to be themselves, and has seen each and every one of them flourish and provide excellent customized service. You won’t hear generic greetings or mindless banter at The Dime. That’s because Bryce prides himself on having a team of individuals working toward a common goal.

“You’re going to get that personalized experience,” he says. “They don’t have a script on how to talk to a customer. It’s important to treat a customer with respect and make sure they have a good time, but do it with your own flair, your own personality.” Because The Dime gets Vancouverites from all walks of life, Bryce knows the importance of providing an atmosphere in which everyone feels at home.

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