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  • Providing Grief Support
    to Children, Teens, and Their Families

Our Mission

Rick’s Place compassionately supports grieving children, teens and their families through facilitated peer activities, school-based programs and community outreach.

Our goal is to provide a trusting environment in which participants who are grieving the death of a loved one can share their experiences, receive support and find comfort.

Rick’s Place vision is for grieving children, teens and families to be able to find comfort, develop resilience and grow stronger together.

Grief Support Services

An amazing group of people

Get Involved

Rick’s Place Trained Volunteers
Rick’s Place is deeply grateful for the incredible work of our volunteers. They are interns and community members who serve as our group facilitators and office support. Volunteers commit their time and energy to make a lasting difference in the lives of children, teens and adults who are grieving. Our volunteer facilitators give of themselves as they demonstrate presence and kindness in their support of children and their families learning to live with loss.

Get Involved

Rick’s Place Trained Volunteers
Rick’s Place is deeply grateful for the incredible work of our volunteers. They are interns and community members who serve as our group facilitators and office support. Volunteers commit their time and energy to make a lasting difference in the lives of children, teens and adults who are grieving. Our volunteer facilitators give of themselves as they demonstrate presence and kindness in their support of children and their families learning to live with loss.

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A Big Thanks To Our Sponsors!

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