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Your easy checklist for home maintenance & repairs

28 juillet 2015

The trick to household maintenance is staying on top of annual work and inspections. Here are some ways to keep your home's exterior in good shape during each and every season.

Your easy checklist for home maintenance & repairs

Safety first

Before you do any work, no matter the time of year, make sure you do things safely. These are some safety tips to consider before getting to work:

  • When working above ground level, make safety your top priority.
  • Don't be tempted to save money by taking a chance with an old ladder. Rent or buy the platform or ladder that you need to do the job safely. Extension ladders can be rented.
  • If you have any doubts at all about working from a ladder or platform, call in a professional.
  • Remember to stay up-to-date with routine checks. They cost nothing to do, but can save you a fortune by avoiding expensive problems that could crop up later.

In spring

  • Remember to have the chimney swept. Call in a chimney sweep to clear blockages (for around $70 to $75) before they cause costly trouble.
  • Check masonry for cracks and fix any that appear by replacing damaged bricks.
  • Cover cracked concrete drives and paths with gravel. Don't pay to remove the concrete — it will help keep the gravel in place and clear of soil.
  • Check that pipes are straight, leak-free and unblocked. Straighten downpipes, clear leaves and flush with water.
  • Inspect eavestroughs and roofing tiles for damage after a long winter.
  • Check for ways small animals might be able to make their way into your home through tiny cracks in the foundation, doors or roofing.
  • You can build a low retaining wall with a row of bricks to retain the gravel. Cut costs by 60% by buying gravel from a builders' yard instead of in bags.

In summer

  • Ensure the driveway is free of holes. Fill any that appear with pre-packed tarmac.
  • Check flat roofs for wear. Paint with asphalt on cracks or tears.
  • Check window sills and fences for rot. Treat if necessary.
  • Use thin bleach instead of weed and moss-killers for paving. On a sunny day, brush the weeds with the bleach — it will kill shallow-rooted moss and other weeds but won't harm the plants with deeper roots.

In fall

  • Check pipes and roofs for leaves, blockages and leaks.
  • Check insulation on pipes, especially in well-insulated roof spaces, which get cold.
  • Gather up fallen leaves, prep your lawn for winter and bound up smaller evergreens in burlap to protect them. That way, they can keep their shape in heavy winter snowfalls.

In winter

  • Check the lower chimney for soot. Clear out if needed.
  • If you go away in winter, remember to leave the heat on low to avoid any burst pipes.
  • Turn off valves to outdoor plumbing to avoid cracks and flooding.

Keeping your home's exterior well-maintained can save you money and could help you avoid some expensive disasters. This checklist can help you keep your home in good shape, and help you save some money along the way.

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