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  • Acuvue,
  • Etnia barcelona,
  • Maui jim,

Langues parlées

  • Italien,
  • Panjabi,
  • Gujarati,
  • Anglais,
  • Ourdou,
255-1233 Lynn Valley Rd, North Vancouver BC V7J 0A1
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Évaluations et commentaires - Lynn Valley Optometry

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  • Faible
  • Mauvais

    My wife had cataracts and was referred to a specialist. The concern was the eye drainage would plug. They did not tell us that it probably would be operation but insisted that she needed to replace her glasses. We trusted them and spent 5 or 600 for new glasses. That was in June and in August she had he cataracts done and we now had a pair of glasses we did not need any more. Thanks a lot. I have no plans in going back to them. What a waste.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Very poor customer service. They charged me over $700 for a pair of reading glasses. In a week, they called and sked me to take it back there due to mistake they made on the lenses. it was not easy to commute to Lynn Valley. New lenses came and they told it may take up to an hour to replace them. I took two hours off and went there around five, but they could not finish it by 6; So I had to take my glasses back as I needed them. I’m really upset with them and will never refer them to a friend.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    My son had eye troubles. Went to Children's hospital and few other doctors. A friend recommended Dr. Shajani. He solved the problem. Especially if you have special needs you should come here. It is not cheap but when you leave you have an answer, the right glasses, or what you need. The people who are there actually give you customer service. Help you pick out really nice frames that suit your face.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Really unsatisfied with my experience with Lynn Valley Optometry. More like a dollar sign than a valued client. Felt totally pressured into my purchase, they tried to totally upsell (overcharge) me for a simple prescription, took a month to fulfill my order (and probably would've taken longer except that I called to find out what was taking so long), and I ended up with a mediocre pair of glasses whose arm screws constantly come loose and require tightening every several days.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Best Optometrist and Eyeglass Experience

    I don’t usually write a review, but when you have an experience like I did, you want to tell anyone you can. I have struggled with my vision and my dyslexia for my whole life. From the moment I walked into Lynn Valley Optometry I felt that everyone really cared about me. They were warm and kind, the clinic is beautiful, and they even treated me to a nice coffee while I browsed around before my exam. Dr Shajani took time to really listen to me, and educate me about my eye health. The exam was thorough and informative. He showed me a picture of the back of my eye, and even discussed special exercises I could do with my eyes to benefit my dyslexia. He even found that my prescription for my lazy eye could be decreased to sharpen my vision at work. Amazing! Dr Shajani was friendly, didn’t rush me, and made the whole experience so enjoyable that I forgot it was an eye exam. After the health and vision testing, he took special care to explain products that would work for me, and boy was he ever right. The lenses in my new glasses give me such excellent vision, I don’t take them on and off like I did with my old progressives, which were top of the line when I bought them. The staff were so much fun, carefully considering different fits and looks, and examining me from all angles to make sure they were perfect. I bought two pairs, and the sunglasses are so clear they feel bright and sharp even though they cut all the glare. Thank you!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Excellent, caring service!!!

    I have been going to Dr Shajani at Lynn Valley Optometry for about 8 years now, ever since I was unhappy at being treated like a number at my Optometrist, in,out no discussion about my eyes etc. My GP referred me to Dr Shajani saying he was great and was she ever right. The first time I went he told me so much about my eyes, what vitamins to take, food to eat, to help my eyes. I was amazed, No one had ever spent time with me and really cared about my eyes. Shortly after that he correctly diagnosed a very serious problem with my eyes, that had previously gone undetected. Dr Shajani sent me to a Specialist and I have since gotten treatment for this. He also helped my grandaughter who had a problem with her eyes skipping over words, lines and going backwards on the page she was reading. This too was undetected before. He gave us exercises and information to help her and she can now read as well as anyone. Had he not discovered this she would have had a terrible time with her studies. This year in Grade 8, she won an award for good grades, something that would never have happened without Dr Shajani. Thankyou Dr Shajani!! The new office is lovely, staff very low key, helpful and friendly. When you enter they offer you a number of exotic coffees and teas, all in all a nice experience.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Compelled to Praise

    I am surprised to read the previous review and feel compelled to write in praise of Lynn Valley Optometry. My husband and infant son are both patients at this clinic and we have received exemplary care. The optometrist/owner did a thorough and well explained examination of my husband using instruments that are state of the art. He could even show us a picture of a freckle that my husband has on the back of his eye! When my husband was deciding whether it was important to fill his prescription, the Optometrist had a special piece of equipment that could instantly show him his former prescription and then his new one so he could see the improvement before he got his new eyewear. We were introduced to very personable and professional staff members who guided us through a wide selection of frames, even going so far as to bring out stock that hadn't been put out yet to make us happy. When it was my one year old son's turn the Optometrist used custom material for kids to allow him to ensure my son's eyes were healthy and working properly. I would highly recommend this clinic for patients of all ages, especially if you like high quality eyewear and eyecare!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Do not go here

    This was by far the worst optical and optometric experience I have ever had. From the moment I entered all I could hear was the staff bickering amongst themselves making me very uncomfortable as I waiting for my appointment. After seeing the optometrist there, who I believe is also the owner, I realized that I had made a mistake. He was unpersonable, rushed and didn't seem to listen to any of my concerns. He seemed only intersted in my money and getting me into a pair of progressives, which was absolutely the goal of the optician there as she pushed to try and get me to buy a pair of $1000 glasses. She made me feel stupid for wanting to take my time to consider the purchase and promised to give me "a special price" if I bought them immediately. My advice, stear clear of this place. It might look good from the outside, but looks can be decieving.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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