
Produits et services

  • Bijoux,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
700 Danforth Ave, Toronto ON M4J 1L2
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Upon entering Tibet Shoppe, you'll likely feel like you're being welcomed by a friend. Kalsang Dolkar, the store's owner, enjoys conversing with visitors about the store's artistry, and her warm, friendly attitude and joy for her products help create a delightful shopping experience. “I keep the store because of my passion for Tibetan culture,” she says.

Kalsang's enthusiasm and respect for Tibet and its artists radiates throughout the absolutely packed store, whose name is reflected in the collection of home decor, meditation items and gifts. Elaborating on the Tibet Shoppe's name, Kalsang points out, “The word Tibet was essential because that is what the whole store is about. Tibet Shoppe specializes in everything Tibetan except food.”

In 2014, after more than two decades on Queen St. West, Tibet Shoppe moved to Danforth Avenue, just east of Pape Avenue, which offered Kalsang a new audience for sharing the culture and business she loves.

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